Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hate Statistics!!!!

So it is currently 7:57pm and I am sitting in a class that has windows...thank God...listening to Professor speak about Inferential Statistics. I hate Statistics! I just took a test that I am sure I failed. I actually had a pretty crappy day! I like to complain...as you will understand when this blog is over...however, I also like to talk about happy stuff. I just didnt have too many happy things happen today!

My shoulders hurt.
My head hurts.
I fell asleep in the lounge and messed my hair up.
I'm pretty sure I failed my test.
I went to work and one of the cooks was a complete jerk!
I feel fat.
I'm cramping....

Ha...so now to the good stuff....

I went to the gas station with T and then went back to campus and danced in the parking lot while playing music loudly.
I, I, checked facebook more than once today.
I have a couple of hair appointments so I can make some cheese.
I had humus and cheese on rye which was so good!
I saw Nicole, whom I love dearly.
I blogged!lol

So, I can be a pretty pissed off person sometimes but over all I would say Im just temoprarily pissy!....I will be a lot less pissed when I get out of class! yip peee

1 comment:

Teruns said...

Well, Pearla, I think that there is a difference between being pissy and saying what's on your mind. Everyone who has met you would agree that they love that part of your personality. It keeps us all on your toes.